The speaking test contains three sections.Preparation for the exam got more fun with the introduction of the best app for IELTS preparation. The first section takes the form of an interview during which candidates may be asked about their hobbies, interests, reasons for taking IELTS exam as well as other general topics such as clothing, free time, computers The speaking test contains three sections. In the General Training module, there are also two tasks: in Task 1 candidates write a letter or explain a situation, and in Task 2 they write an essay. In the Academic module, there are two tasks: in Task 1 candidates describe a diagram, graph, process or chart, and in Task 2 they respond to an argument. However the texts are shorter, so there can be up to 5 texts to read. In the academic module the reading test comprises three sections, with 3 texts normally followed by 13 or 14 questions for a total of 40 questions overall. At the end of this section students are given 10 minutes to transfer their answers to an answer sheet. The first three sections have a break in the middle allowing candidates to look at the remaining questions. Then they have some time to look through the questions. Each section, which can be either a monologue or dialogue begins with a short introduction telling the candidates about the situation and the speakers. It takes 40 minutes: 30 - for testing, plus 10 for transferring the answers to an answer sheet.

The module comprises four sections of increasing difficulty. There are two versions of the IELTS: the Academic Version and the General Training Version. It is jointly managed by University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations, the British Council and IDP Education Pvt Ltd,and was established in 1989. Is an international standardised test of English language proficiency. IELTS or International English Language Testing System, This app makes you aware about IELTS exam